(Permanently Affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi)
Std. I 6+ Years | Std. II 7+ Years |
Std. III 8+ Years | Std. IV 9+ Years |
Std. V 10+ Years | Std. VI 11+ Years |
Std. VII 12+ Years | Std. VIII 13+ Years |
Std. IX 14+ Years |
Admission to class I to IX are based on production of the original school leaving certificate (T.C.) issued from the previous school countersigned by the appropriate educational authorities including a self-attested copy of the birth certificate, original report card of the previous class, a family photograph and two passport sized photographs of the student are mandatory requirement's for admission to class I to IX of our school.
Students coming from ICSE affiliated schools are given preference due to similarity of syllabus.
Regular class attendance is a must for satisfactory and successful academic results. As such, parents and guardians are required to compulsorily submit a written leave application and obtain an official sanction by the Principal before the leave is actually availed of.
Leave application submitted after the leave has been availed of shall be treated as invalid and unacceptable.
In case of emergency Parents/Guardians must inform the Principal of the same at the earliest.
Any student who remains absent from school without a proper leave application shall have his/her name struck off the school rolls after a period of 7 days. On re-admission, a re-admission fee of Rs. 2300/- will be charged. Also Rs. 100/- per day will be charged as "Absence Fine" at the time of re-admission.
A re-admitted student again remaining absent for more than 7 days will not be eligible for re-admission again.
It is mandatory for every student to be present on the closing and reopening day of the school just before and after the holidays and vacations.
In order to become eligible for taking the Unit Test and Terminal Examinations, each student must have a minimum of 90% class attendance during the working days falling just before the Test or Examination.
Date – Sheets for Unit Tests and Examinations are final and unalterable. As such, Parents/Guardians must not approach the School Authorities for any change in the same because such request will not be entertained under any circumstances whatsoever.
Students will not be allowed to leave the school premises during class hours except, perhaps, in case of an emergency and at the sole discretion of the Principal.
A Doctor's certificate/prescription is mandatory with all sick leave applications.
School Fee for new students includes a one-time Registration Fee at the time of registration, a one-time admission fee at the time of admission, monthly/quarterly tuition fee and Annual Charges (Monthly/Quarterly/Bi-annually). School fee for old students includes only the monthly/quarterly tuition fee and Annual Charges (Monthly/Quarterly/Bi-annually) to be paid at the commencement of the New Session in the month of March / April of the Academic Year.
Capitation free/donations of any kind are strictly prohibited in this institution.
Annual Charges form a very important component of the school fee and is paid monthly/quarterly/bi-annually and includes expenditure incurred on each student under the following heads during the full Academic School Year.
Annual Charges include: Expenses incurred on the conduct of 2 Unit Tests and 2 Terminal Examinations, during the session, sports, library and medical dispensary expenditure, computer and smart class, Cctv cameras, round the clock security, sms services, school app services, school's website development and maintenance, school functions, cultural and extra-curricular activities, contests, and competitions round the year, maintenance of school building and equipment, RO water coolers, silent genset, staff annual increments, conduct of seminars and orientations programmers for students, staff and parents, construction activity and purchase of new equipment for the all-round development of the School.
School's Tuition Fee is paid on a quarterly basis in the designated bank on production of fee-booklet at the bank's payment counter. It can also be deposited in the School’s Account Office, if paid on a monthly basis.
The last day for payment of school dues is the 10th of the month of payment without surcharge. From the 11th onwards a surcharge of the 350/- per month will be levied on all fee-defaulters. Parents/Guardians are free to deposit school fee for any number of months if they so desire.
Three times fee defaulters in the financial year will be issued school leaving certificates at the end of the session.
All fee heads are non-refundable and non-transferable.
In case of willful/chronic fee default, the school reserves the right to prohibit entry into the class room and examination hall, and withhold reports cards, certificates etc.
It is the duty of all Parents/Guardians to ensure that the School Fee is paid on the time. Do please understand that the school cannot continue to provide quality education and other school facilities to your ward(s) in case school dues are blocked knowingly and with mala fide intentions.
An Academic Session of the school is divided into 2 terms viz. The First Term is from March to September followed by the First Terminal Examination also known as the Half-Yearly Examination. The Second Term is from September to February followed by the Annual Examinations. Apart from these two Terminal Examinations, there are two Unit Tests conducted in the months of May and December each year.
Promotion to the next higher class will be granted after considering the overall performance of the child throughout the year.
Students whose school dues have not been paid or who have arrears of fees will not be allowed to take the Tests and Exams.
The Date Sheet of Tests and Examinations once announced will not be changed under any circumstances whatsoever. It is, therefore, in the interest of the Parent/Guardian to organize their social/domestic functions/ affairs accordingly.
The minimum pass marks for each subjects is 40 %. A pupil failing in English and/or more than two subjects and having less than 40 % marks in the aggregate shall be detained and will have to repeat the class.
A student must obtain 90 % attendance at the end of the session for being eligible to appear for the Unit Test and Terminal Examinations (except, perhaps, in cases of emergency).
Students, who absent themselves during Tests and Examinations on flimsy grounds and without valid medical and leave applications shall be marked absent and no credit will be given to them in those subjects while calculating the Final Results.
There will be no re-test or re-examination under any circumstances whatsoever. The decision of the school's Examination Committee with regard to promotion shall be final and binding on all.
Report Cards of students will be shown only to parents on the Result Declaration Day within the timings specified for the purpose.
At times due to extreme weather conditions there may be a change in the school timings for which parents/guardians will be given prior written intimation.
It is mandatory for all students to be present in the school premise 5 minutes before the morning bell goes. (See rule no. 6 below).
Attendance before the morning assembly is compulsory for all students.
Attendance at the end of the School Day is also compulsory for all students.
After the morning bell is rung the school gate will be closed and late comers will be penalized.
Parent/Guardians are not allowed to step inside the class room during class hours for meeting either their wards or the teachers. This is a very important regulation.
School Vans are hired by parents for transport of their children. Although adequate care is taken for the safety and security of the children at all times, the school, however, shall not be responsible for any kind of mishap.
A written Withdrawal Notice, addressed to the School Principal is mandatory from the Parent/Guardian of the student being withdrawn from the school.
The Withdrawal Notice must be submitted in the school office along with a T.C. Fee of Rs. 380/- at least one month before the child is actually withdrawn from the school. School leaving Certificates cannot be issued on the spot or at short notices.
School leaving Certificates for Classes I to IX must be obtained before commencement of the New Academic Session. In case Withdrawal Notice is tendered after the start of the new Academic Year,, full fee for that month(s) of attendance will be charged before a T.C. can be issued. Also, Rs. 50/- per month will be charged along with the T.C Fee. After a lapse of 12 months from the date of leaving school, no T.C will be issued.
All pending school dues/arrears of fee will have to be cleared before the S.L.C. can be issued by the School.
Bad behavior or use of rough, crude and abusive language is strictly prohibited both inside and outside the school premises. Please note that bad conduct will be a just cause for dismissal from school.
Running, Playing, jumping on furniture, yelling and shouting inside the classrooms and corridors is not allowed. Civilized behaved must be maintained inside the school campus at all times.
Crowding in the corridors or entering other classrooms is also strictly prohibited.
Any kind of damage done on the school premises to any item of school property will have to be borne by the defaulting student.
All Students must immediately go to their class rooms once the morning/recess bell goes signaling the start of school hours, in the morning or after recess.
Latecomers in the morning, who miss their class attendance, or the morning assembly, will not be allowed inside the classrooms without the Principal's permission.
All note-books and copies of students must be covered neatly with their name, class and subject printed on the top cover and their school bags arranged daily according to the class time table for the day. Children must be taught not to forget any text books/notes copies etc. at home as their academic performance in school will suffer due to such negligence.
Parents/Guardians are expected to ensure that their ward(s) attend the Remedial Classes organized by the school from time to time for improvement in academic performance. Parents are also required to meet the subject teachers at least once a month to learn about the progress of their wards in school.
Good handwriting is the hallmark of an educated person. As such, Parents/Guardians must always encourage their ward(s) to develop a neat and legible handwriting.
This school is very particular about personal cleanliness and adherence to the prescribed school uniform. Students found violating these rules will be penalized as per school rules.
The school does not accept any responsibility for the loss of books, money, clothes, valuables etc.
Each child must be trained to become responsible for his/her own belongings.
Weekly test copies must be signed by Parent/Guardian regularly otherwise marks may be deducted from the next Test which might affect overall performance at the end of the academic year.
S.No. | Class | Book List | Attachment |
1 | I | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
2 | II | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
3 | III | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
4 | IV | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
5 | V | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
6 | VI | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
7 | VII | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
8 | VIII | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
9 | IX | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
10 | X | BOOKLIST FOR SESSION 2025-2026 | Download |
Summer Uniform | |
For Boys | For Girls |
Bottle Green Shorts (upto std. V) Bottle Green Trousers (for boys of std. VI to XII) Light Sleeved Shirts Bottle Green Patkas for Sikh Boys School Belt Green School Socks and Black Bata / Liberty Shoes |
Bottle Green long-pleated skirts Half sleeved light grey blouses School belt and socks Black Bata / Liberty shoes and bottle Green Ribbons / Half-Bands |
Winter Uniform | |
For Boys | For Girls |
Bottle green trousers Full-sleeved light grey shirts Bottle-Green Patkas for Sikh Boys Green school pullover Grey woollen socks School tie and belt Bottle green woollen caps (optional) Black Bata / Liberty shoes School blazer (compulsory for all) |
Bottle Green long-pleated skirts Long-sleeved light grey shirts School tie, socks and belt Green woollen scarves/ribbons/bands etc Long grey woollen socks School pullovers and School blazer (compulsory for all) |
For Boys | For Girls |
White Trousers White Full-sleeved Shirts School tie & belt White patkas for Sikh boys White woollen caps only for others White socks with green stripes White fleets only Green school pullovers and school blazers. (Compulsory for all) |
White long-pleated skirts Full-sleeved white blazers White ribbons/head bands White woollen scarves School tie and belt White socks and green stripes White fleets Green school pullovers and blazers (Compulsory for all) |
Jewellery/cosmetic items like necklaces, nose rings, bangles, finger rings, nail polish etc. are strictly prohibited. Only thin wire like earrings for girls will be allowed.
Colourful scarves/caps/head gear is not allowed and will be confiscated if students are found using the same in the school premises.
Rubber chappals/sandals etc. are also strictly prohibited at all times. In case of foot injuries/ailments etc. students should be confined to their homes till the time they are able to put on their socks and shoes again.
Parents/Guardians must ensure that their wards are provided with a sufficient number of uniform sets and that the school uniform regulations are scrupulously followed by their wards at all times.
The School uniform must be spotlessly clean and well ironed. Shoes must be well polished and shining. Socks and other uniform items must never be torn or threadbare.
Only School shades of the uniform will be allowed. Bottle green school blazer is compulsory for all students of all classes during the winter months.
School Pullovers must also be of the approved colors and design. Multi-colored jackets, wind-cheaters, parkas etc. will not be allowed. Parents must teach the importance of cleanliness and neatness of person to their wards and should note that shabbiness or untidiness of dress or person at any time shall be considered a punishable offence.
The school does not recommend any specific shop or shops for the purchase of text-books, stationery and uniform items. Parents and guardians are free to purchase the same from the open market.
S.No. | Title | Class | Download |
This Earth is my home
and all its inhabitants are
my brothers and sisters.
I profess my love for this earth
and all its beings and am glad
to be its proud inhabitant.
I shall always strive to work for its betterment.
I shall give respect to all mankind
irrespective of their caste, creed, race
and religion.
I shall treat all humans and other life-forms
with kindness and courtesy.
To this earth and its people
I pledge my devotion
in their well-being and prosperity alone
Lies my happiness.
Dear God
Thou art the Creator
Of this Universe
Thou art the Protection
Of this week and fragile world
Thou are in the grass
And the rose
Thou art in the sun
And the stars
Through Thy Grace
May I realize Truth
May I entertain sublime thoughts
May I realize myself
As the Light Divine
May I serve humanity
With humility
May I be freed
From greed
Jealously and hatred
Through Thy Grace
May I Succeed
In my life’s aim
I bow to Thee
Dear God,
We are about to start our studies for the day. Please be our help and Guide. Grant us your blessings in all what we do.
Thank you for the world so sweet.
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing.
Thank you God for every thing
Dear God,
We offer Thee the studies which we have just done. Bless us, bless our teachers and help us to be good always.